Between vs. Among

Difference between BETWEEN and AMONG

Between vs. Among: When To Use Between

When you are talking about 2 items, you cannot use Among. You must use Between for just 2 items. It doesn't matter whether the names of those two items are mentioned or not. 
Correct: I have to choose between 2 colors.
Correct: I have to choose between red and blue.
Incorrect: I have to choose among 2 colors.
Incorrect: I have to choose among red and blue.
When you are talking about three or more items whose names are mentioned, you must use Between, not Among.
Correct: I have to choose between red, blue, and yellow.
Incorrect: I have to choose among red, blue, and yellow. 

Between vs. Among: When To Use Among

Use among only when the number of items is three or more and their particular names are not mentioned.
Correct: I have to choose among three colors.
Incorrect: I have to choose between three colors.
