Made by, Made from, Made of, Made out of, Made with
Made by:
We use made by to introduce the person or company that manufactured the thing. Made by is not followed by any material or substance.
iPhones are made by Apple.
This cake was made by my mother.
Made from:
We use made from to introduce the basic material that is no longer recognizable because it combined with another material or completely changed its original properties while manufacturing.
Wine is made from grapes.
Plastic is made from oil.
Paper is made from trees.
Can you see or feel the properties of grapes, oil, and trees in wine, plastic, and paper? No.
Made of:
We use made of to introduce the basic materials that may no longer be in their original shape and color but are still tangible (you can touch or feel the basic properties).These tables are made of wood.
Mim received a lovely necklace made of gold.
This building is made of bricks.
Can you see or feel the properties of wood, gold, and bricks in the tables, necklace, and building? Yes.
Made out of:
We use made out of to introduce an object that has been slightly modified or is still in the original condition and is now being used as a different object for a different purpose or as the main component of a different object, mostly in an unusual or surprising way. Or it is about recycling and reusing where creativity is involved.This flower vase was made out of a plastic bottle.
These earrings were made out of safety pins and buttons.
Plastic bottles are supposed to hold water, not flowers. Safety pins and buttons are not meant to be attached to your ears. That's why "made out of".
Made with:
We use made with to mention the ingredients of food and drink.
Biriyani is made with rice, meat, and spices.
Sushi is mostly made with raw fish.
Made by+ Manufacturer
Made of + Main Material (Little/No Change)
Made from + Main Material (A Lot of Change)
Made with + food/drink ingredient(s)
Made out of + Main material (Creativity, DIY)
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