Order of Pronouns: 231 and 123

Order of Pronouns: 231 and 123

Let's see why and when to follow the order 231 and 123 for writing personal pronouns.

Order of Pronouns: 231

When we write several nouns and personal pronouns, we should follow order 231. The order of personal pronouns, 231 is explained below:

2: 2nd Person (You, Your)

3: 3rd Person (He, His, Him She, Her, They, Them, Their, any noun)

1: 1st Person (I, Me, My, Mine, We, Us, Our, Ours)


You, he, and I will visit Tokyo.

You, Maeda and I are going to visit a new school tomorrow.

Order of Pronouns: 123

We write nouns and pronouns in order 123 when admitting guilt. 

Example: I, Aaron, and he lied to our manager.

Why We Should Follow The Personal Pronoun Order 231:

1. It is politeness to give others more priority than ourselves, that's why 1 or the 1st person pronoun should come at last.

2. We should give others more priority, and among others, we should prioritize those who are present during a conversation. A third person personal pronoun or any noun may or may not be present, but it is certain that the second person pronoun(You) is present, otherwise, we wouldn't use you/your in the sentence. For these reasons, the second person pronoun should come first.

3. Now that we have established the positions of 2nd and 1st person pronouns, the remaining 3rd person pronoun will come in between them. 

Why We Should Follow The Personal Pronoun Order 123:

1. It is best to admit one's own guilt before telling on others. So the first person or the narrator should confess to his or her guilt first. 

2. The second person pronoun is the one who is obviously present during a conversation. So the second person should admit his or her guilt before the one who may or may not be present.

3. Now since the narrator and the person closest to him/her have confessed, the remaining one is the third person. 
