Use of Recommend and Suggest

Use of Recommend and Suggest

The correct syntax for Suggest and Recommend

1. Recommend/Suggest + object
2. Recommend/Suggest +subject + to + object
3. Recommend/Suggest + verb+ing
4. Recommend/Suggest + (that) + subject + base form of the verb  [that can be omitted too]

The incorrect syntax for Suggest and Recommend

❌Recommend/Suggest + (subject) + to + verb
❌Recommend/Suggest + somebody + something
❌Recommend/Suggest + (that) + subject + verb not in the base form


I recommend him to read this blog
I recommend him this blog
✔️I recommend this blog
✔️I recommend this blog to him
✔️I recommend that he read this blog
I recommend that he reads this blog
